1991年 參加第十三屆『上海之春音樂節』獲【優秀表演奬】
1992年 國務院文化部授予【文化部優秀專家】稱號
1993年 參加第十四屆『上海之春樂節』獲【音樂優秀表演奬】【特別奬】
1994年 榮獲國務院頒發的【政府特殊津貼】
1995年 榮獲【寶鋼高雅藝術奬】
1996年 指揮歌劇《蒼原》獲第一屆【國家舞台藝術精品奬】
指揮交響合唱『中國 我可愛的母親』獲【全國五個一工程奬】【中國音樂金鐘奬】
1998年 參加『首屆全國合唱比賽』獲【專業組一等奬】
2000年 擔任大型景觀歌劇【阿依達】中方指揮
2008年 赴法國參加『法國蓬斯第十九屆國際合唱節』獲【金奬】
2010年 參加『第六屆世界合唱節』獲【三項金奬、一項銀奬】
Born in a musician family, Cao Ding has been learning music since his childhood. He has learnt piano, French horn, vocality and composition at an early age. He started learning conducting in 1976, and was trained in orchestral and choral conducting under famous conductors such as Li Delun, Yang Hongnian, Huang Feili, Yan Liangkun in China, Dr. Herbert Zipper of the United States and the world famous conducting master John Nelson. Cao graduated from the Central Conservatory of Music in 1985 with distinctions in Conducting. He became the conductor of the Beijing Symphony Orchestra in 1986 and Shanghai Symphony Orchestra in 1988. He was the Principal Conductor of Shanghai Opera House from 1997-2001.
Cao was acclaimed “the most active and most successful young Chinese conductor in recent years”. Cao operated with dozens of national musical performance troupes on over 2000 various kinds of concerts such as opera, ballet, symphony and chorus in Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, Guangzhou and other places, conducting thousands pieces of Chinese and foreign music of different period of time. Cao has been invited to visit Former Soviet Union, America, Japan, France, Australia, New Zealand, South Korea, Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan Chorus and other countries and regions and performed with great success.
Cao Ding is at present the permanent conductor of the China Symphony Orchestra Choir, the Vice President of Chorus-China, the guest professor of Shanghai Conservatory of Music, the master instructor of Shenyang Conservatory of Music, part-time professor of Tongji University and Shanghai Ocean University, the Principle Guest Conductor of Allegro Singers, Hong Kong and the Art Director of Zhuhai Huafa Chorus, visiting professor of musical troupes such as China Philharmonic Orchestra, Beijing Symphony Orchestra, Zhejiang Symphony Orchestra, Shanxi Symphony Orchestra, Kunming Symphony Orchestra and Shanghai Broadcasting Symphony Orchestra. Cao conducts a wide range of repertoire of various styles. He performs passionately, delicately and contagiously with overflowing enthusiasm. The famous musician Lu Ji described him as “one of the top conductors of young to middle-aged category in China.”
曹丁 Cao Ding
國家一級指揮,出生于音樂世家,自幼學習音樂︒ 曾學習鋼琴、圓號、聲樂和作曲︒ 先後師從著名指揮家李德倫、楊鴻年、黃飛立、嚴良堃、美國著名指揮家赫伯特•齊佩爾博士和世界指揮大師約翰•尼爾森,學習交響樂指揮和合唱指揮︒1985年以優異的成績畢業於中央音樂學院指揮系︒1986年任北京交響樂團指揮︒1988年任上海樂團指揮︒1997年任上海歌劇院首席指揮︒同時擔任中國交響樂團合唱團常任指揮,中國音樂家協會合唱聯盟副主席,上海音樂學院客座教授,沈陽音樂學院碩士研究生導師,上海同濟大學、上海海洋大學、浙江傳媒大學兼職教授,香港明儀合唱團首席客座指揮,珠海華發合唱團藝術總監︒ 兼任中國廣播交響樂團、北京交響樂團、廣州交響樂團、天津交響樂團、浙江交響樂團、山西交響樂團、昆明交響樂團、上海廣播交響樂團等音樂團體的客席指揮。
首席客座指揮 Principal Guest Conductor